Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Surat dari agennya diego michiels

Dear Sirs, I have been Diego Michiels his agent through his entire professional career and to my knowledge I still am his agent to this day. Diego didn’t tell me that another agent is representing him. I am writing to comment on the fact that Diego resigned his contract with Pelita Jaya. To me this is news, because I was never involved nor informed and I would have advised him not to do so because of the consequences. I also have a good relationship with Iman Arif, so if something was going on I would have contacted him and discussed it in a fair way, I have a good reputation and I’m not working behind people’s backs. The last times I’ve been in touch with Diego on Friday 16th and Tuesday 20th of December via BlackBerry messenger and he didn’t tell me there was something going on. I’m sure Diego was forced and pushed by people or so called agents (I won’t call them agents). At 21 Diego is still very young and unstable and being on his own for the first time in his life without his parents, inexperienced in a different country, obviously made him an easy target for predators making him lose his head by resigning without even knowing the consequences. I’m apologizing (also for Diego) for what has happened. I hope that this matter can be resolved and I would like to talk to Diego before some legal action will be taking place. Yours Sincerely, Ron Ravel

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